Work at Home: Audio Transcribers Wanted

The Transcriber Role

Transcribers listen to the voice questions that customers call into 1-800-2ChaCha and convert them to text questions. Transcribers are far better than any computer at deducing what our customers are asking, and correctly interpreting nuances and names. Note that this role is not like being a telephone operator – you hear only recorded audio. While you have no direct interaction with the customer, it is your speed and skill that enables the customer to receive a fast and accurate answer. Good hearing and understanding of voices is crucial to this position. If you are often saying “What did you say?” into your own phone, this might not be a good fit for you. Or maybe you just need a better phone or headset!
Transcriber Duties

  • Listen to audio recordings
  • Transcribe the question into text
  • Modify the text if necessary to focus it on the pertinent question and info

Transcriber Skills

  • Great hearing (so you can get every detail from audio recordings that are less-than-perfect at times)
  • Good spelling & fast typing
  • Broad general knowledge (so you have the context to quickly recognize names and places)
  • Good intelligence (to figure out what customers are really asking when they call in)

Transcriber Recognition

ChaCha recognizes its Guides in a number of cool ways. We recognize top performers before our large Guide community and feature them prominently on, one of the Top 150 websites on the Internet and home to millions of visitors each month! While you can decide how much or how little you want to Guide, your opportunity to shine is unlimited.Work At Home Expeditor ChaCha

Transcribers have two ways to earn. TR Guides can earn $0.03 per completed transaction in ChaCha’s Traditional mode or can earn 2 points per transaction if they decide to participate in GuideShare. Points are given a MINIMUM cash value at the beginning of each month. That value increases as the total number of sessions of all GuideShare guides increases. So, the more sessions you and the rest of the Guide population complete under Points mode, the more everyone’s Points are worth! Contests are available to boost points and encourage competition.

Give it a shot! Do you have what it takes to be a Transcriber? Ready for a seat on the bridge of one of the hottest information services in the world? Help ChaCha take the next step in delivering incredible Mobile Answers by being a Transcriber. Like every ChaCha Guide role, work hours are completely flexible.

Date Last Checked: February 2015
Job Status: Still open, but waiting list